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luke whisnant




comes in off the street and tells

the Chinese shopgirl that he wants


a piece of string


do you got a piece of string

so I can choke you with it


laughs at the cops who can't bust him again

without kicking him, cuffing his head


calls them his crown of thorns


tells the three-piece suits who beat

the lunch-hour sidewalks that he needs

a dollar, ain't eat naught in days


stumbles into happy hour traffic

bends his face down and begs a ride

tells his name in the dark like a belch

says to the man who drives the white

car that he would like to talk


a private talk


runs him all over town, gets lost, says

My car broke down, and asks for a jump


won't say where he wants to go

just goes deeper out into the dark


wants his private talk


says Stop here, says Cut your lights

puts his hand out, pats the man's

nervous white hand, says: Listen,


how it is—



—from Street